Starting Over Aug Update - Recovery for 49 Gaza Donkeys in the Hope Compound


Sharon and her amazing team at Starting Over are working around the clock to rescue, care for and rehabilitate donkeys and horses from Gaza. It’s tough seeing the animals come in with so many injuries and wounds, but we know Sharon and her team are giving them all the kindness and support they need. 

At present, the Hope compound is home to 49 donkeys, each receiving the care and rehabilitation they need to regain their health and strength.

They’re slowly building up the donkeys' trust, helping them feel safe enough to eat and receive care.

They’re up against some serious challenges, but they’re not giving up. Their dedication is truly inspiring and we are thankful to our donors for all their support in aiding the team with medical equipment, food and shelter, giving the donkeys a safe place to stay.

This month, the Hope compound welcomed three more rescued donkeys from Gaza. 

Two of these donkeys are currently in the compound undergoing rehabilitation, with a focus on reaching a healthy weight. It is anticipated they will leave the compound in a few months once they have fully recovered. Additionally, a blind jenny from Hebron in the West Bank was also brought to the compound for care and support.

Six donkeys have successfully completed their rehabilitation this month, after receiving treatment for their hooves and reaching a healthy weight. They have now moved on from the compound to continue their journey. Sadly, one jenny in the compound suffered a severe stroke and despite all efforts, she was humanely euthanized.

We can’t thank Sharon and her team enough for their compassion and dedication to these animals who have been through so much.

We just want to take a moment to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s donated to help rescue and care for the donkeys. We couldn’t do this without your amazing support. Your donations, whether big or small, are what keep this amazing team going and make sure the animals get around the clock support.

Every bit of help, whether it’s for feeding, medical care, or even just keeping things running, makes a real difference. You’re giving animals a second chance at life, and we can’t thank you enough for that.

Ellie Herodes