Thaba Nchu Cart Horse: Blindlove's Outreach Efforts in May


Productive news from the frontline of compassion!

Our incredible project partners at Blindlove, who dedicate themselves to improving the lives of working animals, have sent us an update straight from the heart of South Africa.

From the bustling Thaba Nchu Cart Horse Rank, carthorses patiently wait to help locals with groceries and supplies. It's a cheerful scene of community, but along the way challenges for these hardworking animals began to emerge.

Blindlove are running outreach programs at the Rank, ensuring the horses are well-cared for, building a future where empathy is at the forefront for animals.


Throughout May, Blindlove’s efforts focused on improving horse health, working conditions and long-term sustainability.

Horse Health

The team prioritised the well-being of the horses by treating wounds and addressing both internal and external parasite infestations. They provided on-site care, administering medication and dressings to promote healing and alleviate discomfort.

Upgrading Outdated Harnesses

Recognising the importance of proper equipment for safety and comfort, the Blindlove team replaced worn-out or ill-fitting harnesses. This initiative aims to reduce the risk of injuries for the horses and enhance their overall working experience.

Investing in the Future

Looking beyond immediate needs, the Blindlove team organised a training workshop on feed cultivation. Carthorse owners and handlers learned about suitable crops and techniques for growing nutritious fodder. This empowers them to cultivate a source of food - a great step towards a more sustainable future for both the horses and the community!

Here is a summary of the horse's health conditions:

  • Horses with wounds: 13

  • Horses without wounds: 2 

  • Overall health: Good: 2, Fair: 2, Poor: 6

  • Hooves needing trimming: 4

Overall many horses needed assistance as harness and hoof conditions were recorded as poor and 13 horses with wounds.

Thanks to the Blindlove team's incredible care, the working horses were treated and are now much more comfortable in their new harnesses. 🐴💖

The community is building a future where kindness towards animals flourishes.

Blindlove's work is a fantastic example of how outreach and education can truly make a lasting difference, for now and the future. Owners are becoming better caretakers for their animals, sharing their newfound skills and knowledge, inspiring compassion throughout the community. 

This is the true impact of our project partners and supporters – together creating lasting change for working animals. Thanks to your generosity, you're providing working animals with resources and kindness they wouldn't otherwise have access to, ensuring their well-being in times of need.

Ellie Herodes