Vital Service for Working Equines in India
Help in Sufferings’ Equine Clinic is an essential project in India supported by Animal Aid Abroad. In a recent case, a horse was brought to the clinic with a very severe, lacerated wound caused by wire. Veterinarians Dr Sanjay Singh and Dr Mayank Sharma spent hours stitching up this poor horse’s neck. They provided many weeks of consistent treatment and thankfully the horse has now fully recovered.
Between June and August, another 33 animals were also treated in the Mobile Equine Clinic. Gastrointestinal issues including colic, digestive pain, diarrhoea, impaction, stomatitis and worms were commonly seen in patients. Five horses were treated for lameness caused by fractures or wounds, whilst another two presented with other traumatic wounds. A couple of horses were seen with cancerous masses and one had a painful eye tumour. Tetanus was noted in two cases and another two horses were treated for respiratory issues.
Sincere thanks to the amazing Help in Suffering vets for their care, patience and dedication to the working equines of India.