Trees for Animals a Fantastic Success

AAA recently held two very successful tree-planting days on the 19th of June and 3rd of July in Perth, Western Australia. The first aim of these events was to revegetate areas burnt out by fire, create wildlife habitat and improve local water quality.

The second aim of the tree-planting days was to fundraise for shady trees and food crops for working animals in drought-affected Africa, along with crucial water troughs for animals in Africa, India and Nepal.

On Sunday, 19th of June, one of AAA’s committee members, Janette Huston, gathered together 12 volunteers from a local Landcare group to plant native shrubs and trees to support our Trees for Animals campaign. They planted an incredible 650 trees, which was an amazing effort considering they were rained on nearly the entire time!

The main Trees for Animals planting event took place on Sunday, 3rd of July, on a semi-constructed wetland in Beckenham, Perth. Luckily, we had beautiful, sunny weather for this event. Twenty-five wonderful volunteers attended on the day, including all of the AAA committee, 3 kids and even a dog called Charlie! They managed to plant an astonishing 4,450 trees, including native shrubs, riparian sedge and rushes.

All in all, 5,100 trees were planted and over $24,416 was raised as part of our Trees for Animals campaign. What a fantastic effort! We definitely outdid our initial target of 4000 trees.

Enormous thanks to our volunteers and committee members for all of your time and hard work that made our tree-planting days such a resounding success. Special thanks to Cat Williams from SERCUL, who organised such an amazing day for us on the 3rd of July. Thanks also to the AAA committee members who fuelled us with yummy, home-baked treats!

Our Trees for Animals campaign has been a huge win for the environment, wildlife and working animals in need. We are already planning another tree-planting event for July next year and are hoping to plant 3000 additional native species on the same site. Stay tuned for further details in 2023!

Janet Thomas