Oscar's Story

Oscar was a rubbish-collection pony on the Gili Islands of Indonesia. For 6 to 7 hours every day, he carted heavy loads of rubbish up onto a putrid dump. Over four long years, Oscar was forced to perform hard labour and endure these filthy conditions without adequate fresh water, rest or food. In fact, his owner was so poor, he had to sell Oscar’s feed just to survive.

Oscar developed wounds due to being overworked and underfed. Some of them were caused by ill-fitting equipment, which rubbed against his skin as he worked. His wounds were left untreated, as Oscar's owner could not afford veterinary care.

When Oscar was discovered by our friends at the Gili Eco Trust, he was literally skin and bone. They rescued him from the rubbish tip in 2012, then had to rescue him again in 2014, when it was discovered that Oscar had been sold to a slaughter house.

Oscar’s story was the original catalyst for Animal Aid Abroad to become involved and sponsor rubbish-collection ponies on the Gili Islands.


Since his rescue and retirement, Oscar has transformed. He has never had to work another day on the rubbish dumps but instead lives peacefully in a large paddock owned by Gili Eco Trust’s Coordinator. His favourite foods are carrots, moringa trees, bananas and mangos. And cheeky Oscar’s favourite pastime is chasing people!

Oscar is one of the lucky ones. There are millions of other working ponies, horses, mules, camels and bullocks worldwide who have not been so lucky and are still living horrendous lives. They are forced to cart heavy loads in hot, noisy, dirty or dangerous conditions every day. These overworked animals aren’t given any respite, adequate food, water or veterinary care.

In 2022, Animal Aid Abroad are determined to transform the lives of more animals like Oscar. With your assistance, we will provide them with free veterinary care, better nutrition, educate their owners and, where necessary, rescue and relocate working animals to sanctuaries.

Will you help us protect them from a life of hardship and struggle by donating today?

You can make a one-off donation or commit to a monthly pledge in 2022 from as little as $5. THANK YOU.

Janet Thomas