AAA Funds New Sanctuary for Working Camels

Animal Aid Abroad recently collaborated with our partner group, Friendicoes, to set up a new camel sanctuary in Rajasthan, India. The Friendicoes Camel Sanctuary is located 800 kilometres away from the organisation’s original sanctuary in Gurgaon. The need for a camel sanctuary has grown more urgent over the years, as the number of injured or abandoned working camels in this region has significantly increased. This is partly due to the COVID pandemic and cessation of all tourism in Rajasthan, which led many camel herders to abandon their animals.

A kind, local farrier called Gopal had spent many years trying to help and care for as many camels as he could in this region, including emaciated animals, mothers with babies and camels with injuries caused by speeding traffic. However, as the herd reached 43 camels, Gopal could not afford to look after them all. Gopal turned to Friendicoes for assistance, who in turn approached Animal Aid Abroad to ask for funding to establish an official sanctuary for working camels.

Most camels currently at the sanctuary were rescued following road accidents or they had untreated skin diseases (fatal in camels). Some animals had maggot-infested wounds in their nostrils caused by old nose rings, or underneath their stomachs due to saddle straps. These wounds had festered and been left untreated once the animals were abandoned.

So far, funding from Animal Aid Abroad’s generous donors has enabled a large shed to be erected at the sanctuary, which is providing the camels with shelter during extreme weather and allowing them to recuperate when they are sick or injured. The camels have been enjoying sleeping in the shed overnight and additional measures are underway to prepare for winter.

Two water troughs have also been installed using AAA funding, and additional food troughs are currently under construction.

Additionally, thanks to AAA’s support, Friendicoes have employed an elderly traditional camel herder to work at the sanctuary. The camels are free-ranging but now have someone to keep an eye on their welfare and ensure they can live in complete safety.

Thanks to our wonderful donors, AAA have been able to create the beginnings of this much-needed working camel sanctuary, which means these magnificent animals no longer have to fend for themselves but will be properly loved and cared for.

Janet Thomas