HIS Equine Care Quarterly Update - Life saving Treatment, Wound Care and Donkey Friends


At the HIS campus this month, the team attended to 17 cases, providing care for a variety of animals in need. 

A cute and curious resident donkey at CRC Bassi

The most common ailments we treated included wounds, colic, pyometra, eye infections, tumors, lameness, anorexia/general weakness, accidental injuries and pregnancy diagnoses in different species, such as donkeys, ponies, and horses.

A Donkey’s Journey to Healing

The first animal we helped this month was a donkey suffering from visible wounds on its dorsum (upper back) and neck area.

A donkey with wounds before treatment and then the donkey post-treatment, fully healed!

After receiving the necessary medical attention and care, this sweet donkey made a full recovery.

We were thrilled to transfer him to our Bassi shelter, where he is now living a happy life with new friends.

Caring for a Mare with Pyometra

A local mare was brought to us, and upon diagnosis by Dr. Pramod, we discovered she had pyometra, a serious uterine infection.
The mare is receiving fluid therapy during her treatment

After five days of care, the mare's condition had improved, and she was released back to her owner. It’s heartwarming to see these animals recover so quickly with the right treatment!

A Mare’s Eye Infection and Pregnancy

Dr. Pramod also treated another mare for an eye infection this month.

He prescribed the necessary medication and scheduled a follow-up appointment for seven days later. At her check-up, the infection was fully healed. Her owner also suspected that she might be pregnant. Dr. Pramod confirmed she was four months along and provided guidance to ensure she received proper care throughout her pregnancy.

Helping with Minor Wounds and Lameness

A mare arrived at our shelter after sustaining minor injuries in an accident. Dr. Pramod treated her with fluid therapy, pain medication, and prescribed oral medication for her ongoing care.

Compounder Anandi administering an injection for lameness treatment.

Alongside the treatment for her wounds, our team ensured she was given all the care she needed to make a full recovery.

Sunhaira and Veeru’s Regular Care

Our resident pony, Sunhaira, underwent a routine hoof rasping session this month, conducted by Babulal ji and Nandu.

Sunhaira receiving hoof rasping from our dedicated team. Meanwhile, our resident Veeru received his regular exercise, led by Heeralal ji.

Equine Care at CRC Bassi

At CRC Bassi, we’re currently caring for seven donkeys (three males and four females), one stallion, and one mule—10 equines in total. 

We’re happy to welcome a new family member this month, a donkey transferred from HIS. Additionally, we attended two OPD cases at CRC Bassi in September.

On the 13th of every month, we hold our regular camp where we treated five equines and dewormed all animals that attended.

Deworming during the monthly camp.

The residents are thriving, enjoying their meals and the company of one another.

The resident donkeys happily enjoying their day at CRC Bassi.

During the camp, our team performed essential hoof rasping for the donkeys.

Finally, all shelter donkeys were dewormed to ensure their continued health.

Our resident donkeys undergoing hoof rasping and deworming of a shelter donkey by our team.

We’re so grateful for the continued support that allows us to provide these essential treatments and ensure these animals are given the care and love they deserve.

The amazing HIS Equine Vets who contributed to this update!

Dr Pramod Kumar Boyal looks after the rescue at our Durgapura campus.

Dr Jitendra Ghingonia operates from our Bassi campus.

The dedication of HIS and the positive impact they have on the lives of equines is astounding and we are proud to support them in their life saving work for animals.

Thank you to our supporters for contributing to the success of these incredible initiatives!

Ellie Herodes