Centre for Street Animals Progressing

Over in Sri Lanka, progress is being made on the new Animal Aid Abroad-funded Hendro Animal Rescue Centre (HARC), despite many hurdles faced during five months of lockdowns and curfews in 2021. It is a daily challenge working within restrictions and sourcing materials and contractors has been far more challenging than anticipated.

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Nevertheless, 28 cages are now complete, featuring raised platforms the dogs can sleep on and galvanised netting for the top half of the cages, essential for ensuring air flow in the consistently warm weather of Mannar. The cement construction and terracotta roof tiles also allow for maximum coolness.

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Obtaining cement and sand for construction has been extremely challenging, as supplies literally ceased due to transport restrictions, but the HARC team finally sourced these using various networks and paying more than the standard price. Finding skilled welding contractors has also been very difficult due to prolonged lockdowns, but local networks again proved fruitful and welders were finally found. They have been given quarters at a location close to the shelter, since travel restrictions have barred movement between towns.

In spite of the many challenges presented by COVID-19, the team remain determined to finish what they started and complete all building work for the Hendro Animal Rescue Centre.

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Next on the list is constructing the feed storage building, cages for smaller animals and a mini clinic... We will keep you updated on the development of HARC!

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Janet Thomas