Animals Benefit from Veterinary Service in Kurdistan

AAA are the sole supporters of Dr Sulaiman at the Kurdistan Organisation for Animal Rights Protection (KOARP). Dr Sulaiman and his team often treat thousands of different animals every month for a wide variety of conditions. His free veterinary service not only improves the welfare of many, many animals, but also benefits the impoverished people who depend on them.

Despite the large number of patients Dr Sulaiman attends to, there are always certain cases that stand out more than others. Recently, he reported on two animals who greatly benefitted from veterinary care: a baby donkey attacked by a hyena and a horse suffering due to an old back wound.

Case One:

In Galykhodaday village, a small baby donkey was attacked and bitten by a wild hyena while she was out grazing the fields with her mother. The owner, Sabhan, called KOARP’s mobile veterinary service after he realised he could not treat the wound himself and it was becoming dirty and infected.

Dr Sulaiman and his team travelled to the baby donkey immediately to commence treatment. They cleaned the wound, administered Ringer’s solution intravenously and advised a course of antibiotics for fifteen days. The team are following up this case until the baby donkey is completely recovered.

Case Two:

The KOARP team visited a village in Taq Harb following a request from an owner named Shahab to attend to his male horse. His horse had been suffering from emaciation, weakness and restlessness. Following examination, Dr Sulaiman discovered that this horse had a large, old and chronic wound on his back, which explained his poor presentation.

Thankfully, following intervention from KOARP, the horse is now healthy, his body condition has significantly improved and he is far more comfortable. The owner expressed deep appreciation towards Dr Sulaiman and AAA for assisting his horse.

Janet Thomas