VSPCA June Update - Incredible Food Plan for Rescued Working Animals in India


The Visakha Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (VSPCA) is leading the way in compassionate care for working animals. Their work at Shelter 1 (Marikavalasa) and Shelter 2 Kindness Farm (Koravada) is truly inspiring.

Their first quarterly report details the impact of our supporters' contribution!

Eight buffaloes and one horse at Shelter 1, and 24 buffaloes and three horses at Shelter 2, have all become permanent residents. The animals arrived in a terrible state, having suffered from abuse and neglect. The VSPCA rescued them and provided them with a safe and permanent home with lots of loving care.

Daily Care and Nutrition

The VSPCA ensures the well-being of these animals through a comprehensive daily feeding regime.


  • Dry hay

  • Green grass (morning and evening)

  • Special concentrated cattle feed

  • Vegetables and fruits


  • Dry hay

  • Green grass (morning and evening)

  • Special horse feed

  • Horse gram

  • Wheat powder

  • Vegetables and fruits

In addition to this nutritious diet, all animals receive essential mineral mixtures to maintain proper vitamin intake.

Water Needs and Health Management

Understanding the vital role water plays in regulating body temperature, the VSPCA provides access to water in three ways:

  • Drinking water

  • Water content in their feed

  • Metabolic water produced by feed breakdown

Drinking water is the most important water source and should be of good hygienic quality. The water available in feed is highly dependent on the dry matter in feed. 

Straw, hay and cereals include little water, whereas silage and fresh grass may contain as much as 70 percent. The water requirements of the buffalo depend on;

  •  The diet (dry matter)

  •  The environment (humidity, temperature)

Regular health checks conducted by certified veterinarians ensure the early detection and treatment of any health concerns. Additionally, all animals receive vaccinations to prevent the spread of diseases.


The VSPCA actively rescues working animals throughout the year, including cows, buffaloes, donkeys, horses, goats, pigs, and more. These animals, often victims of illegal activities and abandonment, have found a new lease on life at the VSPCA shelters.

Working Animals in India

India is the world’s top producer of milk, with over 350 million buffalos and cows. It is also the biggest producer of cow and buffalo meat. India's position as the world's leading producer of milk and meat comes at a cost to animal welfare. Dairy farms often push animals beyond their natural limits, leading to exhaustion and early deaths. Male calves are frequently abandoned, left to fend for themselves, often eating food from bins, before ending up in slaughterhouses.

The VSPCA is dedicated to always fighting against these cruel practices and illegal activities. The recent rescue of buffaloes from cramped vans, deprived of food and water for days with tied legs and mouths thrown into the small vans, exemplifies the organisation's commitment.

The VSPCA believes that every working animal deserves a life free from suffering. They advocate for respect and responsible care for these animals throughout their lives.


Beyond rescue and care, the VSPCA conducts educational programs in villages. By educating farmers and providing free medical camps, they aim to change attitudes towards working animals. The VSPCA emphasizes the value of these animals, even in their later years, and highlights the importance of their byproducts in sustainable farming practices.

This combined approach of rescue, care, education, and community outreach allows the VSPCA to save lives, prevent cruelty, and promote a more humane future for working animals in India.

We are incredibly grateful to the VSPCA and all their compassionate work for animals in India. 

With supporter donations, these incredible programs empower us and our project partners to support animals with food, medical care, respect, and kindness. 💗

Thank you!

Ellie Herodes