Gili Trawangan Farrier Program Update: Tools and Hands-on Training for Horses


We have exciting news from the Gili Trawangan Farrier Program! The team has reported hands-on training for local horse cart owners, the provision of tools to improve farrier care, and the establishment of a reliable supply chain for quality horseshoes.

In February, Gili Trawangan organised a week-long training program for horse cart owners at Janur Indah. The turnout was fantastic, with many locals participating.

These individuals already had some experience working with horses' hooves, making it easier to refine their techniques and introduce better practices. It was great to see their enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

The program has generously provided Janur Indah with two complete sets of farrier equipment. One set is now used daily at a large stable, while the other remains at the Janur Indah offices. The Janur Indah team is responsible for the security and maintenance of this equipment. Knowing that these tools are in good hands and being used to help the horses every day is incredibly reassuring.

One of the most significant achievements has been establishing a supply chain for horseshoes. Quality horseshoes have been supplied to Janur Indah and are now available for purchase at their shops. This is a huge step forward, and we hope that the news of their availability will gradually spread throughout the community. 

Seeing the horses equipped with better shoes is a tangible improvement in their lives.

Currently, horseshoes are sourced from a supplier in Java. However, finding a reasonably priced supplier of nails within the country remains a challenge. As an interim solution, nails are purchased in Australia and transported to Janur Indah. 

We commend the team's resourcefulness and determination to overcome these challenges to provide the community with the best equipment to help their horses.

The ongoing training aims to educate enough locals to apply the horseshoes effectively, ensuring they stay on securely. This will help demonstrate to the community that higher-quality shoes, when properly applied, are better for the horses and more cost-effective in the long run. 

It’s wonderful to see the community come together to care for the  hardworking horses and ponies.

As the high season approaches, there will be less time available for training clinics, which will need to be scheduled during the low season. The team eagerly anticipates the quieter times when more training can be offered, continuing to build on this solid foundation.

We look forward to seeing more of the wonderful work at the Gili Trawangan Farrier Program and the tools they provide to improve farrier care for working horses and ponies.

The progress made so far is a testament to the hard work and compassion of everyone involved, and it fills us with hope and gratitude for the future.

Ellie Herodes