Irene the donkey saved from abuse and overworking

The Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) is one of the partner groups generously supported by AAA donors. The TAHUCHA team have recently saved a donkey named Irene, who was found to have severe wounds all over her back and tail due to repeated beatings. She was also suffering from exhaustion due to carrying overly heavy cart loads, with no time for rest and recovery.

The team recommended for Irene to be given rest and intensive medical care, as well as to be permanently rehabilitated at the TAHUCHA rescue sanctuary. The owner was unwilling to release the donkey into TAHUCHA’s permanent care.

Despite that, Irene is currently receiving much-needed treatment and care at the TAHUCHA sanctuary where her wounds will be managed and she will be rested until she makes a full recovery. While progress is slow, It can be seen that the wounds are slowly healing and the prognosis for Irene is very good, whilst she is under the care of the TAHUCHA team.

Irene was named for AAA founder Janet’s beloved Mum who recently passed away.

We will follow the story of Irene and provide updates on the recovery of this innocent donkey.

Janet Thomas