LAWCS in Guinea - July Report

The support of our generous AAA donors has helped make the below success story possible from the Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society (LAWCS) in Guinea:

LAWCS provides the only free critical veterinary services for working animals in various remote communities in Guinea that depend on their working animals for livelihoods. This is one example of the many critical cases that LAWCS addresses daily.

This donkey was slowly dying from chronic wound on the ear until LAWCS free intervention. The donkey is the only source of income for little Musa and his family.

Musa was so worried about his donkey until LAWCS discovered the donkey. After intensive care and treatment, the donkey has fully recovered and is back to work. Musa is again happy for his donkey and said thanks to LAWCS, Animal Aid Abroad Inc and SPANA for the support.

Janet Thomas