February partner update from Zambezi Working Donkey Project

Following is the February update from our partner group, Zambezi Working Donkey Project (ZWDP).

During February the ZWDP team treated 119 donkeys through mobile clinics, in addition to 16 permanent residents at Maramba Farm where ZWDP is based. Treatments included dipping, de-worming and wound care.

The rains have eased up so it’s slowly becoming easier for the team to reach villages again, which also makes it easier for owners + donkey (carts) to reach Maramba Farm. In February, ZWDP team fixed 23 harnesses, replaced 3 and they gave out 7 new harnesses. 2 of the new harnesses were given to people in a village called Sakubita which lays approximately 20 min from Livingstone. It has been a long time since the ZWDP team was able to visit this village so they were happy to provide donkey owners with these new harnesses.

In February, ZWDP didn’t have to confiscate any donkeys so that’s good news.

ZWD Project Supervisor had to make one emergency call out in February. He was called by an owner from a village called Natebe, his donkey had given birth but stopped eating after. The team visited the donkey and decided to deworm as worms were found in the donkey’s stool. A couple of days later they followed up and found that the donkey was doing much better. It was eating normally again and had normal stools.

ZWDP were lucky to be joined by local vet Bouvy on one of their outreaches. Vet, Bouvy was told all about the donkey project funded by AAA and learn from her expertise at the same time. Bouvy has a heart of gold for animals and will join us more in the future where ever she can.

Update on Jackson, who was found in a village with horrific burn wounds across his back: Jackson’s wounds are slowly healing due to daily treatment from the team at Maramba Farm. He is currently still in “quarantine” away from the other donkeys until he is healthy enough to join the others. Besides his wounds, Jackson is a healthy looking donkey who loves his little corner with hay in his paddock.

It is thanks to the supporters of AAA that ZWDP are able to help these donkeys and they have told us they will continue fighting their cause wherever they can!

Janet Thomas