Help in Suffering Quarterly Equine Report - July-September 2023

Animal Aid Abroad supporters help provide invaluable help to Help In Suffering (HIS) based in India. Following is their quarterly equine report from July to September 2023.

During this time period, 13 cases were attended to on the HIS campus. Most of these cases were of collic, wounds, lacerations, a tumor, a bone fracture and respiratory problems resulting in weakness.

One mare was brought in for a squamous cell carcinoma surgery. Once the surgery was performed, Dr Pramod and the team provided regular check ups and treatment and the mare is recovering well.

The horse suffering from respiratory problems was experiencing distress and loss of appetite. After a course of antibiotics and careful monitoring onsite for 7 days, the horse was recovered and released back to it’s owner.

All of the equines treated were dewormed and a general check up was done for all , before leaving the hospital.

Currently at the rescue centre, there are 7 donkeys, 1 stallion and 1 mule.

Janet Thomas