Zambezi Working Donkey Project - September Update

During September the Zambezi Working Donkey Project team treated 131 donkeys through mobile clinics, and at Maramba Farm. Treatments includes dipping, de-working and wound care. We made and issued 9 sets of new humane harnesses, and fixed a further 20 sets.

The heat is really turning up now and at this hot, dry time of year we spend a lot of time monitoring the donkeys brought to market in town, reminding owners of the important of shade and water, for donkeys that have travelled many miles is gruelling conditions.

At the end of September we were called out to attend an injured foal in Muchinga village. The poor baby had suffered a very cruel attack which has left its lower front leg broken. Unfortunately the injury happened 2 months ago and so the bone has already started to set at a horrible angle, which must cause a lot of pain to walk on. The vets in Livingstone are unable to undertake the complicated surgery needed to fix it, and we are concerned that a long journey to Lusaka in the October heat would be too traumatic and uncomfortable. If the owners has called us sooner we may have been able to do more! For now, the foal and its mother are at Maramba Farm - we have put the leg in a brace and are liaising with equine vets to see if any are able to visit the sanctuary and assist us. We don’t know what the future hold for our poor little one but are doing what we can.

We also released a male donkey, Sier, back to his owners. Sier was brought to us with hoof problems which have largely grown out now, but we will continue to monitor his well-being.

Janet Thomas