Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Donkey Sanctuary - June Report
After almost 2 months into Nepal’s third lockdown, the country eventually started opening up in mid-
June. The monsoon rain continues which means our sanctuary animals spend most of their time in
the stables or under the shed. However, lots of rain also means lots of lush green grass, so they
particularly enjoy grazing during this time. Monsoon is also the shedding season for most furry animals,
so our equines are shedding their winter furs now, so they are being groomed regularly to get rid of
the excess hair.
All our animals remain healthy but our newest rescue Tara suffered a slight infection on his front right
leg on his old injury. He was treated by our equine vet Dr Sajana Thapa and has now made a full
recovery. Our sanctuary remains closed to the public but we will be resuming building works soon for
the wall.
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial
support in the running and maintenance of the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.