Kurdistan Organization of Animal Rights Protection - May activity

Dr Sulaiman and his team continued their great work during the month of May, treating many animals in need of veterinary care while running their outreach clinics.

They used many type of medicines, minerals, disinfectants, vitamins and equipment for de-worming, cleaning wounds, prophylactic treatment, and the management of mange, stomach conditions, eye infections, fractures, parasites etc.

During the visits, the team gave advice and education to the animal owners, on the correct care, treatment and humane working practices - suitable loads to carry, gentle harnessing, not hitting/beating and suitable rest, feed and water.

One issue locally is the old, cultural way of castration being used on donkeys, where KOARP provide this service in the appropriate surgical method and with anaesthesia.

The team are also working to distribute 200 nasal protectors to avoid injury to donkeys using nose chains.

Janet Thomas