Friendicoes Equine Program - April Activity report

The Friendicoesteam treated many different ailments during the course of April.

Two of the horses they treated were suffering from Colic. This meant that the horses were frequently laying down and getting back up, they were unable to urinate or defecate, and suffering from severe dehydration, leading to impaction. Painkillers were given and fluid therapy started. Saline and laxatives were given via a stomach tube and rectal enemas administered. Both horses are recovering.

Other ailments treated included a neck abscess, Babesiosis, a laceration caused by a sharp iron sheet and leg wounds.

There was an abandoned mule that was a victim of a hit and run, left injured by the roadside. The mule was sighted by a member of Friendicoes and the equine team was alerted. Despite being a 4 hour run outside of Delhi, the mule was rescued and brought to the Gurgaon Shelter.

Another rescue involved a donkey who had been hit by a train and lost it’s hoof completely. This donkey was also rescued and brought to the Gurgaon Shelter for treatment.

Feed was provided to animals in need, due to the Covid-19 lockdown and their owners not being able to earn any money, and therefore not being able to buy food for their animals.

The Field Paravets combined provided medical assistance to around 270 working animals during this challenging time.

Thank you to the Friendicoes team for all that they are doing.

Janet Thomas