Hendro Animal Rescue Centre (HARC) Progress Report - Feb-April 2021

Construction on the Hendro Animal Rescue Centre (HARC) site has finally commenced. The brainchild of a group of Animal Aid Abroad supporters who visited Mannar in January 2019, the centre will start to address the critical issue of a growing population of stray dogs on the streets of Mannar, Sri Lanka. Reports of hospitalization due to vicious dog attacks, emasculated and starving animals with sore infested bodies and many rabies cases prompted the establishment of the Hendro Centre. After insurmountable delays, the work is finally on the way.

The access to the site has been laid through hard manual labour. After difficulties with truck gravel permits, worker holidays and driver/supplier/ middleman miscommunication we managed to build the access road, entirely due to The Donkey Clinic & Education Centre manager, Alhathir’s expertise in all things construction. A few drumstick trees were lost in the process but all mango and coconut trees were left unharmed.

In March we had our first delivery of organic turkey berries harvested from the HARC site to Cargill’s Food City, the largest supermarket chain in Sri Lanka. The profits from these go towards the salaries of the HARC caretakers and promotion of organic produce in the area. For us as a micro concern to supply produce to a major corporate is a major scoop!

Drumstick season is around the corner too. We are looking forward to harvesting the organic drumsticks for sale at the local markets. Profits from this too will sustain the HARC operation.

The construction of two kennels is finally underway. If all things go smoothly, we estimate their completion within two months. The next thing on our agenda is to engage a proficient welder for the dog cages and to start roofing works. We’re impatient to get the roof on so that there’s shade to protect us from the blazing sun here.  

We’re grateful for having a committed architect and family on board who chose to spend their New Year’s Day with us at the HARC site. While on site we inspected the progress of the kennels, discussed the future cat kennels and feeding station. Wathmi also brought some artistic impression of the entire HARC site with her. We’re looking forward to working closely together as the site progresses.

Janet Thomas