Animal Nepal Dukuchhap Donkey Sanctuary - February Report

AAA partner group Animal Nepal have sent an update on the rescued donkeys living at the sanctuary:

“February was a fairly quiet month at our sanctuary. All of our sanctuary residents are healthy and not displaying any signs of ill health. With the onset of the spring season, they are all really enjoying the mild weather and love to be out grazing in the field. Our veterinary team goes to visit them regularly, as well as our veterinary interns, who are there during the weekdays. Having the interns there is not just very helpful to us but also provides company for our animals and is crucial in terms of their rehabilitation, especially the newer ones. Most of these animals have come from a life of abuse and hardship and so it is only natural that they have very little confidence in humans. Therefore being around people, who are gentle with them and care for them is key in their rehabilitation. Once the building of our wall is complete, we will be gradually opening the sanctuary to the public for visits, as we are trying to promote the sanctuary model as an ethical alternative to zoos where especially students can learn about animals and see them in an environment where all their needs are being met. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Animal Aid Abroad for their continued financial support in the running and maintenance of the sanctuary for our rescued equines in Dukuchhap.”

Janet Thomas