Help in Suffering in India - Camel Rescue Centre - October Report

The October report from the Help in Suffering Camel Rescue Centre (CRC) have been received and brings with it sad news.

During October, the CRC rescued two camels but unfortunately could not save their lives. Their stories are as follows:

“Case 1

On a complaint of a passerby we rescued a camel calf from a jungle. He said that the camel was wandering there for 2-3 days and was in very bad condition on his face.

When we rescued the calf we found that the facial muscles were badly eaten by maggots. There was a deep wound in the nose. He was very emaciated.

With medication, we started treatment of the calf. He started recovering slowly. Everything was progressing normally but on the next morning he was found dead.

Case 2

On one afternoon a camel came from village Lalsot. The camel’s condition was not good. He was emaciated, dehydrated, and unable to stand up. He had multiple wounds on the body. The owners treated the camel with the old traditional method of hot iron branding.

Due to the hot iron branding, a big wound was caused on the neck, putting the camel in a very serious condition.

After rescue by the CRC, we started treatment immediately but he was in very critical condition. He passed away in the night.”

Despite the sad outcome of both of these cases, we thank Help in Suffering for all that they do to help ease the pain and suffering of these animals in need.

Janet Thomas