LAWCS in Liberia - update on August Activity

The LAWCS team visited 11 different villages and treated 347 animals through their donkey outreach and education program in the month of August.

One of the animals they treated was suffering from worms, loss of appetite and an internal parasite. According to the owner, he got two donkeys a few years ago and they were used for agricultural activities and fetching of water and fire wood for the family. The two donkeys were the main source of income for his family. Unfortunately, one of the donkeys died two weeks before the LAWCS team got there and since then, the other donkey has not been eating and always looking sad.

The team did an examination and treated the donkey for worms, and an internal parasite.
After a week, they went to check in and saw that the donkey was again able to eat and looked active. The owner was so pleased and appreciated the LAWCS team for saving his donkey that could have died like the other one.

Janet Thomas