Camel Rescue Centre in Bassi assists camel with injured eye
At the Camel Rescue Centre in Bassi, the team find satisfaction in being able to help animals in need and recently they were able to do just that with a camel who had sustained an eye injury.
The owner from a village called Nayla brought his camel in and the camel was bleeding from its eye. The owner was very worried that the camel had lost the eye altogether.
On inspection it was found that the injury, caused by barbed wire, was torn skin on the eyelid.
Dr Jitendar put the camel under general anaesthetic and sutured the wound. The procedure went well and the eyelid was restored to its original shape. both surgical team and owner were very happy with the result.
During December, the team treated 356 camels at the centre, as well as 176 other types of animals, mostly dogs, cattle and goats. In addition to this, 74 more animals were treated in the camp on 13 December.