Janet and Jack now in Adelaide

A very tired and walk-weary Janet sent her report from the road where herself and Jack have now officially reached Adelaide!
The total kms walked to date from Federation Square in Melbourne to Adelaide is 1219.54 km.

From Murray Bridge, Janet and Jack continued their walk through the scenic Adelaide hills passing through lovely historical little towns such as Nairne and Hahndorf (oldest German town in Australia) then onto Bridgewater and finished yesterday taking the old bullock track in the stunning Cleland Conservation Park that took them to the edge of the city of Adelaide in the outer suburb of Beaumont. Today I walked from Beaumont into the Adelaide CBD and then out to Bolivar south where they are staying.

Janet says it was "so good to finally get into Adelaide especially when coming over the last hill and seeing the city in the distance. It was getting on dark yesterday and even nicer to see the lights of the city. It was really very special."

Janet and Jack are looking forward to catching up with some AAA supporters and volunteers on Saturday at Mawson Lakes.

The fundraising tally now sits at an amazing $73,007.93.

To learn more about the walk, visit www.animalaidabroad.org/walk-across-aus

#walkacrossaustralia4animals #animalaidabroad #workinganimals #animalcharity

Janet Thomas