Partner group in Tanzania continuing efforts in the Geita region
AAA partner group, Tanzania Humane Charity (TAHUCHA) based in Bukombe, operating in a region of Geita is a local Animal based charity operating by providing direct interventions on the ground since 2016.
TAHUCHA extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to AAA for enabling it to attain its main goal of improving dogs and working donkey’s welfare conditions in the Geita region of north western Tanzania.
What TAHUCHA does?
Our main activity has been to treat donkeys and dogs, train community and educate donkey owners to take care of their animals, and the result has been a legacy of good on-the-ground welfare for donkeys and improved livelihoods of people.
We are happy with the progress of our work, some of the impacts are clearly visible, that includes improved welfare of working donkeys and people who depend on them. However, our work is far from over. So, community need our help and perhaps diversification of interventions that might cut across and pull all stops.
Since late-early August 2020 we had a window of opportunity solely funded by AAA in the third quarter to serve donkeys in rural settings of Bukombe through mobile / outreaches and a medical service based sanctuary.
Issues in focus are donkey wounds and pain as a result of ox yoke harness, overworking, overloading, beating and signs of illness.
The main cause of these issues being lack of empathy, little awareness and poverty.
To address the above issues on one side of things, we have managed to reach and deliver services to 401 Working donkeys which are the most abused animals, they are working in a wide range of industries,that includes kilns, households, markets, farms, mines and forest.
In all these situations, they do the work of tractors and vehicles.
Numbers at a glance
401 donkeys served, gave talks to 92 children and educated 102 community members.
From early August 2020 in rural settings of Bukombe District.
Out of 1200 working Donkeys of wards of Ushirombo, Katente and Bulangwa 401 were reached with essential veterinary care that includes pain relief services by treating /dressing wounds, deworming, medical checks on teeth and hooves problems and feeding.
But on other side of things among 401 working donkeys we attended some had both welfare and health problems which were fixed too, health problems included tendon exhaustion, Heamatoma, eye infectious disease, equine trips, babesiosis, fungal infection.
We also did community training in small groups while observing risk based approach due to Covid 19. A total of 102 community members, both adults male and female were reached on the humane handling of donkeys, specifically on humane harnessing, but also we gave talks to them on load limit and feeding their donkeys
upon schools reopening, we were able to reach at total of 92 children on the basics of what dogs and donkeys deserve like feed, clean water, etc.
We are working on serving more animals in need while protecting the quality of our medical standards.
One of our wish list is construction of two rooms for emergency treatment and a service based laboratory as a tool for appropriate diagnosis.
With this medical environments and Tanzania being one of the tourist destination we shall be a potential project inviting in more global force of vets and nurses from tourists.
Thanks Animal Aid Abroad for this foreign assistance and for being keen to help.
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