Lulembela and Afisa rescued by TAHUCHA in Tanzania
AAA partner group TAHUCHA (Tanzania Humane Charity) is becoming well-known in the region of Geita, and as a result, community members know to call them when there is an animal who needs help. Recently the team responded to a call from an animal lover who saw two donkeys, both unable to walk, in the Kigosi game reserve. There are rumours that donkeys who are extremely mistreated disappear from the village and run to be feral donkeys in the reserve, however, this puts them at great risk of being attacked and eaten by hyenas or lions. Knowing the dangers lurking in the reserve for two unwell donkeys, the team responded quickly.
The two exhausted donkeys were picked up from the bush of the Kigosi game reserve and immediately looked over and given food, water and veterinary care. The diagnosis of the first donkey showed that it was suffering from urine incontinence caused by traumatic injuries associated with beating using sharp objects. The second donkey was severely beaten, with the additional problem of overgrown premolar teeth causing gingivitis and the inability to keep food in it's mouth while eating.
These donkeys have now been given names. The first is Lulembela, a female, estimated to be 5 years old and the second donkey, six year old male is named Afisa. Their final destination if the donkey sanctuary where they will have a safe and happy home for the rest of their lives.