A successful first week for the Gili Island Equine Clinics

Thanks to a fantastic effort by the team of Australian and Indonesian volunteers, the first week of the Gili island Clinic went really well.

The team managed to achieve the following for the horses:

52 health assessments, including vitamin injection and deworming.

25 received hoof trim or shoe.

15 received a dental check and float.

14 received new gear including harness padding, bit, bridle, halter and lead rope, or boots

This time the team got to complete much more thorough health checks with more time for training also.

The amazing team consisted of:

Indonesian vet team: Dr Wahyu Peni, Dr Ignasia Mischa and Dr Dinah Arifianto

Australian volunteer team: Dr Charles El-Hage [vet], Chris Beggs [farrier], Dr Peta Hitchens [epidemiologist], Dr Grace Clifford [dentist], Kevin Hoke, Dr Leigh Davidson [vet]

Australian students: Amanda Drought [Murdoch], Jaimie-lee Atherton [Murdoch], Clare Condos [Uni Melb], Josie Townsend [Uni Melb]

Next week there is a new team on board plus a few others from week one will be staying on to conduct equine clinics on Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Gili Meno and Lombok.

Thank you to these hard-working and dedicated people who are helping to make a huge difference to the working equines of Gili.

#animalaidabroad #workinganimals #animalcharity

Janet Thomas