Fantastic work in Faridabad, India
Animal Aid Abroad wishes a happy new year to all of our supporters and partner groups all over the world!
AAA founder Janet and a number of animal lovers are currently on the annual trip to visit some of the partner groups who do so much to help the working animals in their area.
One of those groups includes the People for Animals Trust- Faridabad" Run By:- Ravi Dubey (PFA) in India, who have updated us on the work they've been doing with their water project and their new hydraulic animal ambulance.
On average, around 200 animals per day benefit from the water project, and this number includes domestic, working and wild animals. Public awareness of animal welfare is a positive side benefit of this project, as the team are now receiving calls when a water station is empty and needs refilling.
The hydraulic animal ambulance has been put to very good use, providing the ability to rescue large animals, as well as multiple animals at one time. On average, the ambulance is in use for 12 hours per day.
PFA Faridabad are doing an amazing job, and we look forward to the firsthand account of their work from Janet when they visit on their trip.