Help needed to complete donkey sanctuary in Bukombe
As you may have seen recently the situation in Bukombe, Tanzania for donkeys is dire. Donkeys are beaten with machetes, hit by trucks and are loaded with an inhumane weight of bricks, in makeshift harnesses that injure the donkeys even more. Abuse and overworking is rife and Animal Aid Abroad has been working with Tanzania Humane Charity to construct and establish a donkey sanctuary. For those following the Global Working Animal Day campaign, you'd know that some of the $100,000 goal is going towards this project in Tanzania. On this last day of the Global Working Animal Day campaign, we are currently $20,000 short of our goal, and $20,000 is what is required to complete the donkey sanctuary in Bukombe.
We need your help to raise this last amount and help provide medical care, education and rescue for the abused donkeys of Bukombe.
A break down of the money required for this project is as follows:
Generator, New and priority, AUD $1660
Printed educational leaflets, New but not priority, AUD $92
Sign board, New and priority, AUD $ 37
Initial animal feedstuff (maize, bran), New and priority, AUD $246
Toilet hole construction, New and priority, AUD $1230
Toilet, two rooms construction and its installations, New and priority, AUD $ 3076
Gas for generator for three months, New and priority, AUD $222
Cost of constructing a stand for raised tank, New and priority, AUD $923
A room for a care taker, New and priority, AUD $ 3691
Local furniture, New and priority, AUD $ 308
TOTAL: AUD $11 486
Pasture seeds purchase bags, Cost went up in pasture establishment line, AUD $615
Uprooting work, AUD $554
Follow up and cement wall wetting work, AUD $370
Troughs for reserving water for construction, AUD $370
Materials for stable and hay ban plus technicians, Materials price were high, and distant site cost more for technicians, AUD $1230
Extra cost of transportation of material, the cost of transporting bricks and materials went to 300% we used trucks not donkeys, AUD $861
Balance fund roofing and finishing work, a remainder fund for roofing & finishing, AUD $ 4922
TOTAL: AUD $ 8 920
Please help us get this project over the line - every dollar counts. Please go to and use "Bukombe Sanctuary" as your reference.