Cambodia Pony Welfare Organisation
AAA partner group, Cambodia Pony Welfare Organisation (CPWO) treated a total of 250 ponies in the month of May. One of the cases they treated involved an owner who had a pony called A Pich, who was 4 years old. This owner always works his pony at night time, and on one such night, A Pich cut his leg on sharp metal in the field where he was working. There was a lot of bleeding, and as the owner was not familiar with CPWO, he was scared and did not know what to do.
Luckily, another owner from a neighbouring village told this man about CPWO, and he finally found them at Thmei village where CPWO where doing a community rotation visit. he asked CPWO to treat his injured pony, which they did, and both pony and owner were very happy and thankful for the help.
The owner has now become a member of CPWO, and will know what to do if his pony is injured or sick in future.
CPWO had a sad update for us recently. An owner in the Chrey Los community had 2 female ponies, Mi Khmoa, aged 7, and Mi Barang, aged 8. Mi Barang very recently gave birth to a foal who was very weak and had no appetite. The owner thought his animals were suffering from malnutrition, but on a rotation visit, CPWO tested and discovered that both ponies had been infected by Trypanosomes, known as Surra disease. Mi Khmoa was tested also and found to have the disease as well. Mi Barang's case was very serious, and she unfortunately passed away, leaving her new foal alone.
While the owner was very sad at the passing of his pony, and that the 5 day old foal was left without a mother, he was very grateful to CPWO that they were able to save both Mi Khmoa and the foal.
The CPWO does amazing work in the region, and we are thankful to all of our supporters who allow us to help CPWO continue their good work.